Rooting through Change


"When the roots are deep there is no need to fear the wind."

~African proverb

Change is inevitable, how we respond is our choice.

We offer a transformative programme, called Rooting Through Change that equips people with tools to navigate rapid change & uncertainty by developing a mindset that helps enhance performance.

Steven Kotler, bestselling author & one of the world's leading experts on peak performance & flow states says,
“Mindset impacts emotion, which alters biology, which increases performance".

What's in it for You?

The tools shared in this program go beyond building resilience and instead focus on cultivating a mindset of anti-fragility, enabling individuals to thrive in the face of challenges, enhancing mental, emotional & physical well-being.

Our programme helps people cultivate proactive strategies to:

· regulate stress
· improve engagement
· strengthen collaboration
· unlearn to relearn
· enhance empowerment
· elevate performance

resulting in high-performing teams where both people & business can flourish.


What makes this programme different is that it doesn’t try to create change in people from the outside in. Rather it’s based on the thinking that we can create change from the inside out. So no matter what is going on around us if we have certain skills like self awareness or self regulation we can renew our response to rapid change. We might not always be able to change our external environment but we can change our mindset.

The programme consists of 5 modules, designed to enable participants to:

​· Develop a growth mindflex - Leading to greater motivation, self-compassion & stronger performance as opposed to excessive self criticism which research shows can paralyze us, inhibiting innovation & creativity. (CHOOSE YOU)​

· Develop self-awareness through mindfulness – Becoming aware of our thoughts means we can choose our mindset which impacts emotion & ultimately our behaviours & performance. Improved self-awareness increases emotional intelligence & a regular mindfulness practice can decrease anxiety associated with an uncertain future & improves our ability to focus. (BE YOU)​
· Self-regulate difficult emotions - Decreasing a sense of overwhelm & building resilience reducing the possibility of burnout. (NICE TO MEET YOU)

· Reframe challenging situations - Developing a paradox mindset that encourages a both/and approach increases our capacity for innovation & problem solving, improves resilience, grows anti-fragility & increases positivity. (THANK YOU)

· Build empathy for oneself & others - Reducing “othering” in times of rapid disruptive change, contributes to positive internal & external relationships & organisational culture. (BETWEEN ME & YOU)

We facilitate this programme either in-person, online, or a hybrid model that co-creates a safe space for authentic connection.



wendy cooke & jason engledoe

wendy cooke is a mindfulness & compassion teacher, coach, laughter yoga leader, facilitator and change manager with over 20 years of experience.

She has worked in the private sector, including retail and financial services, as well as the public sector. After many years of practicing change management wendy realised that by focusing on managing change from the outside in, something was lacking and so in response to this she established start within and focused her efforts on creating change from the inside out.

wendy believes that while we might not be able to change our external environment, we can change our mindset and renew our response to rapid change. In order to create change from the inside out she offers scientifically based experiential talks, transformation programs and insight coaching and facilitation.

jason engledoe is an Ecosocial designer and facilitator.

I help you navigate transformative change toward your unique life's vision.

I companion leaders, coaches, facilitators, individuals & groups.

My vision is EcoSocial REGENERATION.

My mission is healing to all and harm to none.

Thank you for

Client Experiences

“I felt more connected in my team and it increased our psychological safety.

This programme will potentially change my life and the lives of all those I encounter, specifically my kids. I would recommend the programme as this is a wonderful powerful programme that is life changing.”

~Participant- Manager Strategy Execution & Enablement Group Finance

“The programme truly does live up to its name, helping one to actually root through the chaos, both professionally & personally.”

~ Participant

“My biggest learning is the deliberate focus on what I can control (mindfulness, reflection, breathing) which has significantly reduced my anxiety and stress.”

~ Participant

“The course has equipped me with skills and techniques that I have never had or felt I would need. Work just becomes more and more demanding, and it is therefore critical to take care of oneself, train yourself to think and behave differently, so that you can cope with your situation, but also enjoy the challenges you have to deal with.
It was a game changer for me. I highly recommend the course! .”

~ Participant- Head of Central Segment Finance

Still Curious?

a man in a suit and tie with a tie
a man in a suit and tie with a tie

If you have any questions about our offerings & projects, feel welcome to contact us.