and you

and jason

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Why Unity and You?

Unity is an acknowledgement and celebration of our intra- and inter connectedness, the greater collective we are also part of.

You is an acknowledgement and celebration of the distinctly unique expression and gifts each & every one of us contributes to the collective.

"The Only Constant is Change" ~Heraclitus

The approach I follow is dynamic. It changes along with the client or group of participants cocreating the transformative experience in the session; the movement, in the moment.

The form don't assume it knows. The approaches I am invited to in the moment, walk with humility and aim to make room for other perspectives to feel welcome; for the clients' wisdom to emerge and to be foregrounded. This, I sense, is where transformation happens.

The methodology I follow does not conform to straight lines. It notices where form needs to be formless to allow for what is present at any given moment. I do not decide on the approach. The approach enlists me & expresses itself through me & the gestures of the client in the session. In tandem with the ecologies in which this movement occurs, the form is always shifting, changing, unbecoming and becoming something else. The gesture is to align with the Natural cycles of change.

I am committed to companioning you who are committed to your journey towards conscious change, self-empowerment and personal development. I specialize in fostering resilience, relationality, self-discovery, healing and growth. Having lived and been educated in Germany, England, and Taiwan in addition to South Africa, I bring a global perspective to my work. I am privileged to have connected with the lands, the cultures, the peoples on 6 of the 7 continents. The gifts of these humbling encounters in my personal pursuit of freedom & identity, have profoundly impacted my worldview.

I am an expression of beautifully diverse ancestries & cultures. Many lands and peoples & ecologies around the world, have embraced me and welcomed me to feel welcome, safe and at home. This is in stark contrast to my lived experiences growing up in the very place I was born in, Camissa, the traditional lands of the San, now known as Cape Town, South Africa. The legacies of the brutality of apartheid and the impacts of intergenerational oppression are very much still active here on these lands. Denial & apathy remain the unfortunate responses to systemic harm, even decades post democracy. A deep commitment to my own pursuit of freedom, identity & belonging, when I left this place at the age of 17, has been simultaneously a difficult and irreversibly empowering, transformational & healing journey.

As such, the awareness on a blood, bone & DNA level of these legacy burdens and my commitment to consciously working through them, offer legacy gifts & blessings. This is post traumatic wisdom! These companions of burdens & blessings & the unique wisdom they bring, compel me to work with clients in a way that is culturally sensitive, slowed down, practical, non-dogmatic, embodied and safe.

With a diverse background in Education, Entrepreneurship, Martial Arts, International Trade, and Investment Promotion, I am able to provide holistic support tailored to the unique needs of both local and international clients on their transformative journeys.

I work both online & in person.

“The healing of the land and the purification of the human spirit is the same process.”
~Masanobu Fukuoka

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
~Buckminster Fuller

2 of my favourite quotes to live by....

Ecologies & Edge Effects

Martial Arts, Holistic Awareness & the Power of Sensitivity

White Crane Door Feeding Crane Fist: Sifu Liu Chang I

Permaculture Design & Regenerative Principles

Permaculture Research Institute, Australia/the Permaculture Association, Britain: Ezio “Buzz” Gori, with Christopher Nash

EcoSocial & Regenerative Design Thinking, UNlearning & Re-Evaluation Counseling

Gaia University: Andrew Langford & Liora Adler

Collective Trauma Healing & Trauma-Informed Leadership

The Academy of Inner Science: Thomas Hübl, PhD

Ancestral Lineage Healing, Certified Practitioner & other programs

Ancestral Medicine: Dr Daniel Foor

Vipassana Meditation, Metta & Breathwork

Vipassana Association: SN Goenka & co-teachers

Postactivism, Shapeshifting & Dancing to the offbeat, with Mountains

TEN (The Emergence Network), We Will Dance With Mountains: Dr Bayo Akomolafe & others

Transition Mentor: Guidance Advocacy & Support for Youth

SAYes: Founder Gillian Anderson

Trying my best to learn,

UNlearn &




Living in 3 countries outside of my country of birth & connecting to culture, people and lands in 6 of the 7 continents over 30 years has offered the most profound education

University of Cape Town

Bachelor of Social Sciences (Psychology & German)

1995-1996 (incomplete due to financial constraints)

University of South Africa

Bachelor of Commerce (Strategic Management)

2004- 2009

Foreign Language Studies

German (5 years at Secondary School Level, 7 month Student Exchange Program in Germany, 1.5 years at University Level)

Chinese Mandarin (1 year at Taipei Language Institute, resident in Taiwan for 9 years)


Usui Reiki

The Schumacher Institute, Systems Learning

Dr Hélène Smit, Depth Facilitation

NVC Academy, NonViolent Communication: A Language of Life

HeartMath Institute, Add Heart Facilitator Program


Ricarda Huch-Schule, Germany

Exchange Student 1994

United Nations Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD)

Integrated capacity-building programme 2011. Awarded first place among a group of 22 entrepreneurs

TEFL Instructor (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), Taiwan

Kindergarten, Elementary, Secondary & Adults 2000 - 2009

Feeding Crane Cape Town Martial Arts School

Founder & Instructor 2009 - 2012

International Trade & Investment Promotion (Public Sector)

Trade (Americas) & Head Agribusiness Investment Western Cape 2012 - 2016

Unity Tea Company

Co-Founder & Director 2011 - 2019

Gaia University

Facilitator 2018 - 2020

Vipassana 10 Day Silent Retreat

2017- present (annually)

Vision Quest


Deep Listening & Cultural Affinity Circles

Founder & Facilitator 2020 - Present

Thank you to ALL these teachers & the amazing mentors & peers associated with these ones.

I am indeed privileged to walk part of my journey with you.

Volunteer Roles

Broadscale Regenerative Agricultural Principles: Kent Tahir Cooper March 2018

Medium scale Regenerative Agricultural Principles: Alex Chouler June 2019

SAYes Transition Mentor to underserved youth 2021 - 2022

Still Curious?

a man in a suit and tie with a tie
a man in a suit and tie with a tie

If you have any questions about our offerings & projects, feel welcome to contact us.