Ancestral Medicine


"We are not separate from our ancestors. Their spirits live within us, guiding and protecting us.
To honor them is to honor ourselves and our future generations."
-Southern African First People's Proverb

We are born into a complexity of trauma- which includes early childhood, historical, intergenerational trauma and trauma from the impacts of intergenerational oppression.

Do you experience symptoms, feelings, or behaviors that seem out of context compared to your life experience?

For example, when there is a feeling of being stuck, despite extensive work with a therapist or through other healing modalities, or a feeling that you are carrying a problem which is not part of your lived experience. This is often an indication of legacy challenges & burdens passed on from one generation to another and this is the place where ancestral healing work begins.


There is a growing field of scientific research called Epigenetics which explains how experiences and traumas can pass between generations and impact our behaviour.
Intergenerational resilience refers to the ability to thrive despite adversity, which can also be passed down via epigenetic changes. Conversely, intergenerational trauma can be inherited through traumatic experiences and epigenetic changes, increasing the risk for mental & other health issues. Ancestral Healing is a potent modality to bring awareness to and integrate our ancestral gifts & strengths, whilst mitigating the legacy challenges and burdens inherited from our parents, grandparents and earlier ancestors.

What's in it for You?

In learning how to work with their own ancestral guides, my clients have experienced direct benefits like:

clarity & alignment with their life purpose

pride of identity & a deep sense of belonging

enhanced self awareness & personal growth

embodying ancestral strengths & resiliencies

integrating the wisdom of major life experiences, like vision quests, sacred medicine journeys, immersive retreats & others

The benefits are nuanced and often directly related to the client's motivation for starting ancestral healing work. This process is also an act of self compassion & compassion for others. Individual healing inevitably impacts the communities we are part of; our relationships, living family systems and wider afield- the greater collective, including the natural environment.
Remember, the ancestral guides do the heavy lifting in this approach. We do not heal our ancestors, we work with elevated ancestral guides who bring the healing to the lineages with our support.
For more insights, take a look at the client experiences section below.


I am a certified practitioner in this framework of ancestral lineage healing, as developed by Dr. Daniel Foor, author of Ancestral Medicine and founder of the organisation with the same name.
Follow this link for access to free teachings, interviews and panel discussions.

I guide clients in this process to enter an embodied state of presence in a way that is culturally aware, slowed down, practical and non-dogmatic, to safely connect with your ancestral guides, creating the space for
transformation, healing and reconciliation.

The steps are:

assessment of primary lineages: to notice how the lineage is in spirit, in the present moment & establish loving boundaries where needed

connection with an ancestral guide: during this step the client learns of ways of nurturing this relationship outside of sessions

identify themes & patterns: awareness of gifts & strengths, as well as challenges & burdens of the lineage. To embody the gifts of our ancestors to live in alignment with life

work with the older ancestors: the ancestors are not just the ones with remembered names. The guide brings healing to the older ancestors

work with the recent ancestors: much of the epigenetic inheritances come from this tier of ancestors. The guide brings healing to the recent ancestors

extending healing & blessings to the living: includes the client's living extended family and the client themselves

You don't need to adopt a new spiritual practice or make any grand gestures to follow this process.
I am a regular person who didn't grow up with a framework to relate with the very people who gave me life, like this does.
You don't need to know your family history and genealogy to gain the benefits.
I liken the process of ancestral healing to a metaphor of picking up trash in Nature. You don't need to pick up all the trash, if you don't have the capacity nor the inclination to do that.
If you do, that's great!
If each of us simply focused our efforts on picking up a few pieces of trash at a time, can you imagine how life for us and the greater collective we share our Earthly home with might be?
I can!

Our incredible privilege of choice offers us a chance to exercise our response-ability (our ability to respond) to the growing EcoSocial challenges we face in a regenerative way. The unfortunate challenge is, if we don't respond, we defer our personal responsibility to ourselves, later, when we might not have the capacity, the energy or the time.
We defer the privilege of our personal responsibility to the next generations. In this way we remain stuck in the realm of intergenerational legacies and burdens.
There is a better way!

Deeply committed to my own personal journey of belonging, identity, freedom, transformation and regenerative purpose, ancestral healing offers a puzzle piece I didn't know I was looking for.
It has impacted my life & the lives of my clients in profound ways.
I will continue to share it widely.

I work with clients around the world, online.
I can also arrange to do work locally in person.

“When we heal ourselves, we heal our ancestors from wounds that run deep in our family. When we heal our ancestors, we heal the world from wounds that run deep in humanity.”

-Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann

Still Curious?

a man in a suit and tie with a tie
a man in a suit and tie with a tie

If you have any questions about our offerings & projects, feel welcome to contact us.