Laughter Yoga


You grow up the day you have the first real laugh at yourself.”
~Ethel Barrymore

Have you ever had a really good laugh & noticed just how good you felt?

Laughter Yoga is a body-mind exercise that creates that very feeling.

Started by a medical doctor, Dr Madan Kitaria, it combines simulated laughter exercises with gentle breathing techniques to teach the body how to laugh without relying on jokes or humour.
It's based on scientific research that shows how your body can't tell the difference between real laughter & simulated laughter, so either way you'll benefit!

When you're happy you laugh and when you laugh you become happy!

Research evidence suggests that laughter yoga can be a valuable tool for promoting physical, emotional, and social well-being.

What's in it for You?

Scientifically supported benefits of laughter yoga

Elevates mood

Laughing triggers the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with happiness and pleasure. Doing Laughter Yoga can change your mood within minutes by releasing feel good endorphins from your brain cells.

Stress Reduction

Laughter yoga can reduce levels of stress hormones like cortisol, built up as a result of sustained stress and increase levels of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals.
Studies have shown that laughter can lead to a significant reduction in stress levels.

Strengthens the immune system

Some research suggests that laughter can boost the immune system by increasing the production of immune cells and antibodies, potentially leading to better resistance against infections.

Reduces anxiety

Any type of laughter stimulates diaphragmatic breathing, activates the parasympathetic nervous system, and triggers the “tend-and-befriend” response helping to calm the body and the mind and reduce anxiety.

Improved Respiratory Function

When we laugh we find we are breathing more deeply and take in more oxygen, enabling our brains and our bodies to function more optimally. You'll feel energized after a good laughter yoga session! And just 10 minutes of hearty laughter is the same as 30 minutes on the rowing machine.

Social Connector

Quality of life depends upon quality of our friends and our relationships.
Laughter is a great connector of people and is a social behavior that promotes bonding and strengthens caring and sharing relationships.

Enhanced Cognitive Function

Laughter stimulates brain regions associated with learning, creativity, and problem-solving.
Engaging in laughter yoga may thus help sharpen cognitive skills and improve mental agility.

Laughing through Challenges

Anyone can laugh when times are good, but Laughter Yoga teaches people to laugh unconditionally so that they can laugh even when times are hard.
It provides strength in adversity, a coping mechanism to help people keep a positive mental attitude regardless of circumstances.

Our Offering

We offer online or in-person laughter yoga facilitation.
There are no yoga postures, spandex or mats required.
We do some deep breathing, similar to yogic breathing & combine this with laughter exercises - that's how it gets its name of laughter yoga.
A Laughter Yoga session is about 45 minutes.

We also offer laughter challenges such as our 5 day, 5 minute laughter challenge.

We've had people tell us how energised they feel during these challenges & how it sets them up for a great day!



wendy cooke &

jason engledoe

wendy cooke is a mindfulness & compassion teacher, coach, laughter yoga leader, facilitator and change manager with over 20 years of experience.

She has worked in the private sector, including retail and financial services, as well as the public sector. After many years of practicing change management wendy realised that by focusing on managing change from the outside in, something was lacking and so in response to this she established start within and focused her efforts on creating change from the inside out.

wendy believes that while we might not be able to change our external environment, we can change our mindset and renew our response to rapid change. In order to create change from the inside out she offers scientifically based experiential talks, transformation programs and insight coaching and facilitation.

jason engledoe an Ecosocial designer and facilitator.

I help you navigate transformative change toward your unique life's vision.

I companion leaders, coaches, facilitators, individuals & groups.

My vision is EcoSocial REGENERATION.

My mission is healing to all and harm to none.

Thank you for

Client Experiences

"You can't imagine just how much I have needed this."

~ Participant

This was my favourite event at the entire retreat festival.”

~ Participant

”I really love the way you both facilitate these sessions. You both bring a great energy!”

~ Participant

"I loved it so much, I came back again this year. I even brought my mum along! she's not even into this type of thing, but she loved it"

~ Participant

Retreat Yourself Wellness Festival 2024

*Alternate link here.

"Tread softly, Breathe peacefully, Laugh hysterically." ~ Nelson Mandela

Laughter is as necessary as any other spiritual quality, indeed it's more transformative than most.

You and I are created for transcendence, laughter, caring. ~Desmond Tutu

Still Curious?

a man in a suit and tie with a tie
a man in a suit and tie with a tie

If you have any questions about our offerings & projects, feel welcome to contact us.