Nevermind complexity, for there is much profundity to be found in the seemingly simple.

jason engledoe

I'm an Ecosocial designer and facilitator.
I help you navigate transformative change toward your unique life's vision.

I companion leaders, coaches, facilitators, individuals & groups.

My vision is EcoSocial REGENERATION.

My mission is healing to all and harm to none.

Thank you for

The form I follow, is not prescriptive but rather is centered on growing your awareness of your own innate wisdom. I meet you where you are and prioritize your needs from your perspective, not my own.

This is a sovereignty-centered approach that empowers you to self determine &

take charge of your own journey.

It is a multidimensional approach that acknowledges with humility & reverence the natural law of cycles- the universal law of change.

Some of the forms I offer in this value exchange to cultivate your natural wisdom, include:

form follows function

Self Awareness

meta-cognition & pattern recognition, to reveal opportunities for UNlearning & RElearning

Embodied Presence

to your entire sensorium, thereby tapping into the wisdom of the full sensory apparatus of & beyond the body

Deep Active Listening

developing multiple centres of intelligence, beyond spoken language


nurturing a sense of shared humanity through self compassion & compassion for others

Non Duality

curiosity & humility as invitations to diverse perspectives


reverence & appreciation for the greater collective we are also part of


change can be uncomfortable. It is good to bring levity to the process, cultivating enthusiasm, hope & a sense of joyful purpose

Still Curious?

a man in a suit and tie with a tie
a man in a suit and tie with a tie

If you have any questions about our offerings & projects, feel welcome to contact us.